mardi, janvier 31, 2006

saw my flute after goodness how long. somehow i can still play notes. surprising. i would have thought i had forgotten it all after so many months. can't seem to find time to touch it at all nowadays.
surprised by grade 5 scores too. hmm. perhaps in the future i should take the exams.

river hongbao fireworks look very close and sound very loud at the steps of Marina Square leading down to Esplanade. decent amount too.

lundi, janvier 30, 2006

woohoo, there goes another huge serving of pineapple tarts. 2 servings today actually.
i am close to having consumed 2 entire bottles of that thing.

china fireworks blasts and injuries. somehow not very unexpected. but what are hundreds compared to billions of people. doesnt matter.

i keep seeing old relatives striken with major illnesses. sudden spate of cancers. queer. sadly, they're the older, more traditional and not so well-educated kind. sigh. one is denying it, or refusing to admit it. the other is quite blur about it. and they're both taking spirulina supplements. i do not know why. one of them is also taking this lactose laden product, which is supposed to clear stuff (no doubt it does Clear stuff). sigh. spirulina. sigh. i wonder how, i wonder why.

long, draggy day.

dimanche, janvier 29, 2006

to wish it for you
if it will not be for me
to wish it on me
that which should not for you

vendredi, janvier 27, 2006

Movie: Le Grand Voyage.
a trifle too boring and predictable. i'm glad the father died though, he was getting on my nerves.

Ding Tai Fung
little PAUs. and noodles. and tea. i love tea.

did my hair on monday. i love getting my hair done. i love the snipping of the scissors, wonderful feeling. so now my current hair is like that... photos on the flickr. time of life to have fun.
tempted to color my hair too. so fun.

jeudi, janvier 26, 2006

placebo x nocebo


placebo effect.
placebo illusion.
"i shall please"
"i shall harm"

mercredi, janvier 25, 2006



this made me love chinese (language) for a moment


drats Disney bought Pixar. i din know it was worth US$7,400,000,000.
Disney, crap. Pixar should stand on its own. they are good enough.

did i mention that i want a new camera. but my birthday just passed. but new year, new birthday.

my stats tutor sux.

the genetics lecturer sux.

french is still the best. and my lecture does have a healthy measure of guys, and guys are more outspoken and responsive, and they seem to be coping better than the girls (even in language? c'est bizarre).


i havent eaten a single pineapple tart yet!!!!!

mardi, janvier 24, 2006

before i forget more. already one has been forgotten

research studies. would you participate in a research study/drug trial/whatever you know what i'm refering to. would you? after knowing about how to conduct one, after knowing all the intricacies and implications, after knowing you might get a placebo. for a more "neutral" study, getting a placebo might be good. but if you're like really ill, and then they want to try this drug on you, if you get the placebo, doesnt that mean you'll just be prolonging your suffering, instead of seeking proper treatment (assuming there is any. point not valid if there's no current treatment)...

mediacorp gave out gifts/tokens/whatever to 10 ppl who called in to contribute good news stories. and the spokesperson said sth abt encouraging ppl to share and getting news spread around. all well and good, if he actually means it. if they are not just trying to better their news service, if they are not just leeching free information off people, if they are not just exploiting it.

oh i remember now. Q: Why do they show "blockbuster movies" and other "premium" shows during public holidays and weekends?
because there will be higher viewership, because people are free and at home, because more viewers means better bang for buck, because more supposed viewers means higher advertising rates for those advertisement slots, because they can earn more money

politcal brew. unveiled veiled words.
the problem is, none of what anyone says is totally true.
something i saw today: "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.", George Orwell, Why I Write.

our health minister seems to be enjoying a wonderful slew of high publicity, image boosting activities in the past year. everything seems to be going well for him...

french is so fun. today i got to tutorat for first time, saw 6 girls in there, wondered why there were so many girls, sat and watched as another 6 girls and 1 female teacher arrived. it's ridiculous, my lecture group has at least 1/3 guys.
and this lecturer, same surname as lecturer, just as crazy. comes in, jumps about, waves/raves, hyperdupersuperactive. speaks fAsT. looks like she's acting in a play (with all the movements and expressions and speech and face), absolutely astonishing. i cannot believe it.
french is fun! no not because of the girls.

dimanche, janvier 22, 2006

i gave up trying to upload photos to blogger. lousiness.
so i finally touched flickr. din know it's owned by yahoo now, but well, saves me from signing up another account. i can't believe it that jhender is taken up, (no not me), so im at

only 20mb of uploads per month, ..., and only 200 recent photos or something. ah well. flooding it with CNY photos
acupuncture deactivating area of brain that controls pain?

2nd time in DXO. shrug.

tired of standing. shall sleep through sunday. and it's week 3, time to start doing work

samedi, janvier 21, 2006

why is it so hard for me to buy clothes. blah. blame myself.

i seem to end up in chinatown so often. shall blame it on someone. i guess i'm getting used to crowds, i didn't even feel like chinatown was crowded, queer. must be all the crowded buses in nus. and all the crowded trains.
took a great number of photos. rather disappointed that i didn't fill up the memory card. only about 4 rolls of film worth. perhaps it will do as a catalogue of CNY stock photos. slowly building up a collection of singapore photos. sometimes, you grow up, and then you realise that you have photos of overseas trips, but not photos of things close by to you.

im tired.

there are too many silly people on the streets. ppl who giggle at duh things, ppl who dont know what they're doing, ppl who dont think, ppl who i dunno what's on their mind.
i cant believe the world.
sometimes i hope there are more smart people in the world, so that at least things get done properly, managed properly, administered properly.
maybe Iran will stop trying to nuke the world

vendredi, janvier 20, 2006

January 16th 3.45pm
February 3rd 12.15am
February 20th 9pm
March 16th 12noon
May 1st 11pm

mardi, janvier 17, 2006
  a postcard  

too long to explain. i shall try to remember this day and the amusing peculiar intriguing fascinating thing that happened.

"You see, the existence of a natural speed limit for the motion of any object, or the sending of any signal, makes simultaneity in our ordinary sense of the word lose its meaning. Let me put it this way. Suppose you have a friend living in a far-away country with whom you correspond by air mail. Let's say it takes three days for a letter to make the journey. Something happens to you on Sunday and you learn that the same thing is going to happen to your friend. It is clear that you cannot let him know about it before Wednesday. On the other hand, if he knew in advance about the thing that was going to happen to you, the last date to let you know about it would have been the previous Thursday. Thus for three days beforehand your friend was not able to influence your fate on Sunday, nor for three days afterwards could he in turn be affected by what happened to you on that Sunday. From the point of view of casuality he was, so to speak, excommunicated from you."

New World of Mr Tompkins, The
George Gamow, Russel Stannard
Cambridge University Press, 2002
Pg 33

lundi, janvier 16, 2006

im definitely 56.x kg. one of the lowest in some period of years. i have not been dieting, not been purposely avoiding food. not been burning up fats. so why?

mardi, janvier 10, 2006
  Astérix Le Gaulois  

And so i spent my first day in school watching this....


buses hate me

dimanche, janvier 08, 2006

what about it, nothing actually. someone mentioned it that's all.


another dreamy night. 'ailman, 'e dreamcatcher works again. it works often, and very well.

rain! no whoopee. but just a deep smile from the bottom of the heart. strong winds strong thunderstorm, thick sheets of raindrops. is this the day of the year that i've been waiting for: the long heavy rainfall. i hope it keeps up.
which reminds me of a day long ago in the army, with nothing to do and a storm brewing, of me standing outside the door, just under the overhanging roof, spending a great part of the afternoon just watching and listening to the rain, watching the distance and trees fade in the grey curtains, watching the rain drops, watching the overflow on the ground, wondering if i was missed.
twas the time when all was silent and slow, and things like this were done, and tales were written. twas, as always, nevermore

samedi, janvier 07, 2006

D H Lawrence - Sons and Lovers.
wasn't that hard to read after all. a little bit to preserve my bit of sanity.


i think that The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe sounds so much cooler as Le Lion, La Sorcière Blanche Et L'Amoire Magique. but maybe i'm biased. =p

mardi, janvier 03, 2006

i hate buses

dimanche, janvier 01, 2006

congrats to whoever survived to live another year.
be happy for that which has been achieved, not for that which is just a hollow hope.

fireworks. yay nice. even though it could have been better. and one cant expect them to come up with totally new patterns every other month.
seems to be a rather different theme from some other festivals. or were they just trying to match the music. lots of circular red/green celebratory themes throughout. and red/white ones which seem like national day ones. nvm.
the cable car ones look silly though, when i saw them on tv. nvm too.

and after all that, i got into the train/tube/metro/underground/mrt station and i missed my train again. as i remarked at that time:'some things don't change'.

in the dawn of the morning sun
on the peaceful faces of the sleeping ones
do the heavens know or care
whether they're drunk, dead or dreaming mares


Lord of the Rings Online!
Level 47 Elf Hunter Vindyamiriel

song of the moment:
de Jax
孙燕姿 - 雨天
周杰伦 - 珊瑚海

林俊杰&金莎 - 被风吹过的夏天
Kitaro - Symphony of Dreams
James Blunt - You Are Beautiful
Clannad - Seachran Charn Tsiail
Céline Dion - En attendant ses pas
ASIE - Et puis la terre
陈奕迅 - 十年
Yanni - Before I Go
Céline Dion/Garou - Sous le vent Dido - White Flag
梁静茹 - 如果有一天 [歌/词]
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

6 km


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