mardi, mars 30, 2004

Walking into the path of a startling rain
Not believing it was there before
For such a fine mist was not to be heard
But only known in the sweet caress
of the gentle spray on my face
Such refreshing and fragrant was the touch
and delightful the pleasant surprise
Of a gentle rain not there before


tues. boring day. drew blood again, for blood test. stupid pathetic joseph still doesnt dare. it's so simple what. almost fainted at the sight of blood, like real. din do much today actually, hm.


monday night, had a crazy musical night at medical centre with guitar and flute and singing. became music centre. haha. so fun! i want a violin too, in addition to a guitar.


bought a new pencil 'bag' from ProjectShopBloodBros on sunday. nice flat thing, very nice material. havent had a new possession in quite long. feels fun to buy nice things, if only i din care so much abt money. and if only tickets cost less money.

samedi, mars 27, 2004

a silly outing today, finally, after so many days/weeks/months of serious stuff. went AMK to eat AJ Ice Mountain, the gargantuan ice kacang. then went to play CS, the arcane, extinct, expired CS that's just waiting for Half-Life 2 to render it obsolete. Matthew the newbie played, pitifully. all in all, rather fun to just be silly for a few hours. it's so fun to not care at all.


We are the unfortunate,
Led by the unqualified,
To do the unnecessary,
For the ungrateful.

-from the masters of NS.


Thought of the day:

The children have an old joke, it goes:
"Dun friend you already."
There is no equivalent in love, nor in adulthood.

it suddenly dawned on me at noon that life now, is so different from life as we knew it. the jokes of childhood, that were so often said, would be poison to be uttered now.

Friends Forever
friends. friendship that will never die. that no matter how we joke, we will always know that we will not renounce the friendship, that it cannot be revoked, that the fact that we are friends cannot be changed.
why can't this apply to other things in adulthood, in life.

jeudi, mars 25, 2004

walked to and fro to esplanade library listening to my discman playing Josh Groban + Enya + Moya Brennan + Secret Garden. there's this ethereal feel when you're listening to this kinda music and you can't hear what's going on around you. feels disconnected, feels like you're in a movie. it's rather fun.


it was past 11pm and i was walking home, strains of secret garden sounding in the earphones. down the bus into the quiet walkways. i glimpsed two pieces of paper lying by the grass. and behold, there were musical notes on it, scores for some instrument. and i was so delighted to see them. it warmed my heart to know that, amidst all, our streets can be strewn with music scores. like some italian art village


Death of a Balloon

that day, at compass point, on the fourth and top floor, a balloon floated down from the ceiling of the atrium. it floated in midair, hovering. only slightly falling downwards, like a man-o-war in action. and before long, it headed downwards, gaining speed, ending up on the ground floor. and when it's string touched the floor and was supported, the what little helium held it's now lighter load just a bit above the ground. how quickly the balloon changes from an unreachable one stuck at the ceiling, to a magical one in midair, to a condemned one on the ground.

mercredi, mars 24, 2004

blogging mania.

was talking about the SG's govt's desperate appeal for storks to consider developing their regional headquarters in SG.
alright. so the problem is, people are making a helluva lot of noise about it.
so, fellow educated people who have undergone human geog sometime in our lives, the morphing of the population pyramids spell imminent and unavoidable trouble for countries reaching advanced states of development in their social strata. [eek]. i shall not bother to explain the normal reasons why it is disastrous for the relevant authorities.
the problem is not with the shrinking population. >if the populations of the entire world were changing in similar proportions everywhere, then we would be very happy that the strain on Gaia's resources are lightening. however, it is not. the 3rd world countries, especially of India and China, are exploding. henceforth we need to maintain our population size to assert our dominance in the world economy. so if we disappear off the map, we will be absolved in the muddle of chinese and indians flooding the market. no more singaporean identity, no more singaporean government, no more leadership posts for those pple up there. as for us citizens, as long as we have a good country that provides, good money, good life, good climate, it doesnt really matter what country we are born in. nvm. but if we're patriotic, we take the preserve singapore stand. alright. hence we need pure bred singaporeans and not imported converted singaporeans. hence, we need to give birth to them. else we'll be a muddle of foreigners from all over with no allegiance and no memories of singapore. lala. so how? don't know. unfortunately, we do not have a rural population to push up towards the urban population. unfortunately, we stress so much on internationalization, so much on globalisation. we are so open to the world, so aware of the world. we are so welcome by the world. we can emigrate so easily. we lose our identity. we are absorbed into the world. and yet here we are, trying to make ourselves, trying not to forget ourselves.
but they just keep on complaining about the silly incentives and plans to boost birthrates. what can the poor govt do. what plan can possibly work? let's just become new york and have an international city. but but. it is just a unfortunately unfortunate byproduct of our wildly successful economical system which has brought so much prosperity to the country.

we bloom overnight, and wilt away. too fast gained, too fast lost. life's fair, in the end, in the whole.

dimanche, mars 21, 2004

it's 2/3 thru March now. the 1st quarter of the year is ending, yet again.

JC posting results released. one person went to singapore poly. odd. such a big gap. most shuffled within top 5 JCs. seems like the cut-off still seems pretty high/low. 8 pts minus 4 is still not confirmed entry.

a lively school today. councillors singing hwachong songs to record album or sth. Mrs Ang clapping along by the side. amusing to see her being so informal.

great to see the school brimming with life on a saturday. so different from a idyllic army camp.

and there ends the tekong drama. i realised that the ammo dump pple must be cursing to have to issue so many live rounds to so many people. so fun, in some ways.

interesting to see all three branches of the army plus the police side all working together.


haha. okay, so i've finally done the greyscale thing. dunno lah, somehow just got sick of seeing the old one. so there. not that massive makeover. alot less cluttered now. without the big bright red blood cells glowing. till the next time.

vendredi, mars 19, 2004


they're good lah. that's it lah. they're good at what they do. and i found out they have good credentials too. really nice New Age music that's so my style. but they did alot of their more Rock songs, since it's an concert and they cant let us fall asleep. really funky to see esplanade concert hall terraformed into a rock concert hall. flashing lights and all.

heavenly irish music from a norweigian group. though they're getting weird influences from places like china.

pretty guest Irish girl playing a pretty harp singing with a pretty voice. and her voice is space-high. ever heard a rendition of You Raise Me Up that cant possibly go any higher?

sitting on circle 3 all the way up there doesn't seem so far away from the stage.

they started the 2nd half with 2 slow duets, the kind i love best, Song from a Secret Garden, and The Promise, or whatever it was. Hearing the imperfections in the playing, the tiny human errors, it somehow touched my heart deeply and made me feel really joyous to experience this kind of music alive. it moved me to tears. i really really loved that part of the whole performance. i was happy in the way that i am happy. in the lullaby of sadness, morbidity, and heartwrenching emotions.
it was worth the $66.

enchanting, captivating, enrapturing. :)
words can't describe music enough.


jeudi, mars 18, 2004


try your hand at being a secret agent.. my first try ended up with 57.33

mercredi, mars 17, 2004


winamp has updated their player: version 5.02 now. nice useful features inside. lots of pretty colors too.

mardi, mars 16, 2004

what an interesting day is today


another short stint outfield with the republic of singapore defence forces.
how much taxpayers' money did we waste, again.
medical supplies are not used with much conservation in mind

had some delight in poking pple and seeing blood again today, don't really know why, but it's getting quite fun to poke people. maybe it was because i suceeded on both people i tried today.

lay down under the starry night, last night. quite enjoyable to be lying outfield under the stars with nothing to do. lay there talking for a few hours. it's really nice to just chat, with the stars up there, a dark and silent background. none of the interference and bothering of the outside world. odd silhouettes of oddshaped trees.
nice stars appeared. roughly 15 stars worth of Orion. there were planes flying around. this way, that way. blinking.
there was the weird object that josh told me to look out for: a white speck, 'zooming' across the sky, not very big in size, no blinking lights. characteristic of a non-geostationary satellite. rather interesting to see it. at least it moves significantly in a short period of time.
the space station was there, again. this time clearer. same pure white colour, elongated, the clinching point was that there were two noticable blinking lights on it. it was obviously two lights, one on each side.
we lay there long enough to notice that the skyscape rotated.

then we played with lightsticks, and used them as Poi, and made circles in the dark. and it was pretty.
and singapore being singapore, there were unlimited mosquitoes. at last estimate, i was bitten 41 times.

tecknam came to watch me build bcs, haha. [",] u've a long way to go to perfecting ur docu stuff in bcs! enjoy ur stint just as my slacking time starts. too bad ur bcs is bigger, a small one is nicer.


-Books Read-
just a longterm wish to take note of all the books i've read so far
current list is non-comprehensive and are the only books i can remember so far

The Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien
The Silmarillion, JRR Tolkien
The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
Salmon of Doubt, Douglas Adams
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell
Animal Farm, George Orwell
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, CS Lewis
The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger
Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, JK Rowling
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, JK Rowling
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, JK Rowling
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, JK Rowling
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
David Copperfield, Charles Dickens
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson
Dune, Frank Herbert (and series)
Watership Down, Richard Adams
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck
Black Beauty, Anna Sewell
Crime And Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Memoirs Of A Geisha, Arthur Golden
A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
Lord Of The Flies, William Golding
The God Of Small Things, Arundhati Roy
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
By the River Piedra I sat down and wept, Paulo Coelho
The Devil and Miss Prym, Paulo Coelho
Veronika Decides to Die, Paulo Coelho
The Pilgrimage, Paulo Coelho
The Wasp Factory, Iain Banks
The Old Man And The Sea, Ernest Hemingway
Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder
Maya, Jostein Gaarder
Hello? Is anybody there?, Jostein Gaarder
Through a glass, darkly, Jostein Gaarder
The Solitaire Mystery, Jostein Gaarder
The Christmas Mystery, Jostein Gaarder
The Ringmaster's Daughter, Jostein Gaarder
Fantastic Mr Fox, Roald Dahl
The BFG, Roald Dahl
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl
Charlie And The Glass Elevator, Roald Dahl
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, Richard Bach
The Little Prince, Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
Wind, Sand and stars, Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
Flight to Arras, Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera
The Famished Road, Ben Okri
Infinite Riches, Ben Okri
Songs of Enchantment, Ben Okri
Red Sky in the morning, Elizabeth Laird
The English Patient, Michael Ondaatje
Anil's Ghost, Michael Ondaatje
Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card
Speaker for the Dead, Orson Scott Card
Xenocide, Orson Scott Card
Children of the Mind, Orson Scott Card
Ender's Shadow, Orson Scott Card
Shadow of the Hegemon, Orson Scott Card
Shadow Puppets, Orson Scott Card
Seventh Son, Orson Scott Card
Red Prophet, Orson Scott Card
Prentice Alvin, Orson Scott Card
Alvin Journeyman, Orson Scott Card
Heartfire, Orson Scott Card
The Memory of Earth, Orson Scott Card
The Call of Earth, Orson Scott Card
Ships of Earth, Orson Scott Card
Enchantment, Orson Scott Card
Folk of the Fringe, Orson Scott Card
Hart's Hope, Orson Scott Card
Lost Boys, Orson Scott Card
Lovelock, Orson Scott Card
Maps in a Mirror, Orson Scott Card
Pastwatch, Orson Scott Card
Sarah, Orson Scott Card
Songmaster, Orson Scott Card
Treasure Box, Orson Scott Card
The Worthing Saga, Orson Scott Card
Angles (short story), Orson Scott Card
The Divine Comedy, Dante Aligheri
Importance of being Earnest, Oscar Wilde
The Crucible, Arthur Miller
I heard an owl call my name, Magaret Craven
One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The Blue Bedspread, Raj Kamal Jha
The Plague, Albert Camus
The Outsider, Albert Camus
Life of Pi, Yann Martel
Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare
Macbeth, William Shakespeare
Rites of Passage, William Golding
The Bone People, Keri Hulme
If on a winter's night a traveller, Italo Calvino
The Chrysalids, John, Wyndham

The Day Of The Jackal, Frederick Forsyth
The Odessa File, Frederick Forsyth
The Fourth Protocol, Frederick Forsyth
Honor Among Theives, Jeffrey Archer
First among equals, Jeffrey Archer
The Eleventh Commandment, Jeffrey Archer
Rainbow Six, Tom Clancy
Executive Orders, Tom Clancy
The Cardinal of the Kremlin, Tom Clancy
Debt of Honor, Tom Clancy
The Hunt for Red October, Tom Clancy
SSN, Tom Clancy
Sum of All Fears, Tom Clancy
Clear and Present Danger, Tom Clancy
Patriot Games, Tom Clancy
HMS Unseen, Patrick Robinson
Kilo Class, Patrick Robinson
Nimitz Class, Patrick Robinson


shall this be a long message. perhaps. perhaps not. who knows. i just feel like rambling. feel like venting it out. venting out a frustration, a lost mind, and above all, i believe i am avoiding reality, avoiding things. believe that the appearance of certain events have just blanked out my mind, and caused unhealthy rejections.

but i don't think i can stop it either. why not. because the reaction is there for a reason. it is to stop me from breaking down. to stop an obsessive mind from circular thinking, from unending worries.
it keeps me sane.
and it keeps me alive.

and i have been rather sane lately, and rather alive. it has been quite awhile since i have done something 'insane', and quite a while since i've thought about death.

but it's back yet suppressed now. i should find something to distract myself.
but i'm tired. and there are things that can stress me out should i decide to stress myself out.
and amongst one of the many things i secretly desire to do now, is to enjoy a perfectly spoken english language conversation with someone who can converse and think fluently in english. it might not apply to all, but it delights me to be able to avoid conversations that merely consists of attention-seeking whining and silly remarks. as a sidenote, i find that i have been using the word 'ridiculous' rather often lately. i do not know whether it is due to my poor vocabulary or the seemingly absurdity of my surroundings.

there are no words you can say to cheer me up
nor ways to cure my ways
the only hope is for me to forget
or unconsciously fall to change

it never ceases to be surprising, that i am alive so long


to the world:

letting the watch tick on in the sleepy silence
forgetting as i fall to fitful dreams
waking up in regretful realisation
rendering a heartache from within
biting my lip in rueful exhalation
wondering if it's silly to let tears fall

a sudden emotion that tells me
it is past and can be no more
but forget it and apply the healing salve
but leave it and care no more

yet in equal pain would i not care
for the day came, past and dwindles still

and furthermore in silence i sit and stare
where's everyone, where's my red pill

though as regret ripens, and forgetfulness sets
the forgotten watch ticks on ever still
as inaction and incapabilty hardens
the day by fraction nearers end
half of what was started with,
and half of what was left
till half and half and half was theft

in humourless jest

rife anticipation rolls and boils
for sleep to overcome
in beatless rhyme in unequal bars
in syncopated unsyncopated time

i am lost and awaits to say
i was lost but now am found

dimanche, mars 14, 2004

visible ISS-International Space Station in the sky, im quite certain.
northside, elongated ultra bright white thing. much brighter than the other stars around. very white, no flickering. and definitely not a point source. havent seen it with such certainty before. lots of stars are out.






my latest fun Flash! thingy

look at the gallery, very very nice scribbles.

and his main site too. lots of very fun stuff.


>to previous comments.

hmm NS medic training... it's appalling, not unexpectedly. what to expect. it's not totally the fault of the trainers. the system goes where the 'main' teachers are the regulars in the army, the ones who take the level 2 and 3 paramedic courses.
in the first place, army regulars cannot-make-it. the running of the course and teaching are mostly left to the WOSE line of regulars, that is the warrant officers and specialists, not the commissioned officers. the officers in the medical side, are all doctors, and what do they do, projects, management, command. so we're left with these idiots, who only took some more advanced course. and the current batch of medium to old-age WOSE regulars are mainly idiots. serious. and it's likely to stay that way, to a certain extent. the army channels the good ones into the command and management side, leaving day to day running, administration and execution to these incompetent loafers.
i would much rather the doctors teach us. there are so many doctors in the army, why cant they teach us. they've studied and practised so much over their years, even if they impart a small fraction of that to us, it'll be better than these pple who only underwent courses that last a few months and have no practical experience.

and so they try to teach. if they can understand what they're teaching. if they can get the facts right.
actually we're not required or expected to be able to do anything much. we're not allowed to do much without the doctor anyway. i once remarked before that the medical centre is just a place full of assistants to the doctor. when he's not ard, we usually just send patients over to somewhere else. we have no authority or power to do stuff. (which is gd for slacking away).
and we get really little medical experience. how often do things go wrong. and most daily routines involve non-treatment or emergency stuff.

and then the training has quite a lot of focus on combat situation. that one, is almost brainless, involving literally stabilising of patient, and immediate evacuation. that's nothing much to be done, or can be done.

it's just an army.

to top it off, selection for medics do not involve interviews or psychological tests or career preference. most of the pple are reluctant and non-commitant. it varies: attitude problem; selfishness; apathy; lack of responsibility. there are always pple who try to avoid doing any work. there are pple who just anyhow do. i can say that no work is ever done properly in the army, there is no pride or value associated with the completion of work properly. it is an entire perception problem that's entwined with the National Service system.

however, after some time, you can always find out who are the ones you can trust your life with. it takes time to observe who doesn't give a damn about army, but will perk up when there's a real patient, when there's important crucial stuff to be done.
but there are those who, i dunno, just don't respond. who just can't seem to differentiate between army and real life. and i would really like to say that the following words are not written out of pure biasness, discrimination or prejudice. the JC pple are hardworking, and i dun mean top 5 JCs, the rest too are not bad. they'll do their work, without excessive complaining and whining. and they'll make reasonable effort to do it properly. the Poly ones, tend to be slacker, a lot slacker. visibly different. attitude wise too. it's a really stark contrast. and the nxt obvious group, the malays. really. they just avoid work like plague. they hang ard, unshamefully, without remorse. they just don't care about anyone else.
i hate the way they try to laugh and joke their way out of things, making excuses, gliding it over with a sweet tongue, with a happy-go-lucky attitude. i hate it because the rest of the pple are doing their work, at least doing it passably, and not making excuses, and admitting mistakes, and not trying to fool pple.
but it is not always their personal fault. it's just the way our society and cultures are built. but for a few, it's really a personal fault, a despicable character flaw. or it's just the way their brains were wired.
[digressing alot]
class. strata.
perplexed sigh.
when wondering why the army system is so screwed up, think of the screwed up pple, and realise that it needs to be
when wondering why the govt is so irritating, think of the screwed up pple, and realise it needs to be.

i went through the same CPR course as them, all of us have never done it before, could technical ability ever be the reason why i was helping and they were not? it's not that hard to memorize CPR.
it's so scary, to know pple who care more about handphones and magic cards than someone's life. to know people, who dare not.

it might just be the army.

samedi, mars 13, 2004

person who jinxed my medical centre or person who jinxed me plz own up. dun rem offending any person recently. except the one i'm always offending. recently there's been a sharp spacehigh increase in number of casualties arriving at my place.

2 zzz-ed after during 10km run on Tues. 2 zzz-ed on Wed. and then today...
first two were suffering from physical exhaustion from the run. 1st person had darn low parameters, like <35degress, 80+/30-40 for bld pressure. 2nd person had slight temperature.
2nd two. 1st one, early morning fainted, obstructive sleep apnea. 2nd one at night fainted in middle of guard duty prowling. terrible. ran there, saw him sprawled on grnd, eyeballs rolled back. fearing it required CPR, then was very relieved when i found his pulse. later stirred to after being rushed back to medical centre. no problems later on, odd.
today, reservist ippt. one backache, one giddy vomitty. so troublesome.
what the heck is going on. dah. cant have my saturday in peace.

saw a rainbow yesterday. quite nice for a singaporean rainbow. rainbow, sunset, orange clouds, stars, wind.
i sorta pity those who only have white wall, aircon, computer, keyboard, table, post-it note, in-out trays, family photographs, glass window, office door, shopping centre, movie theatre. yep.

live. despite my moroseness, sometimes i feel so much more alive than others.

new words of the day:
1. Having the temperament of one born under the supposed astrological influence of Saturn.
2. 1. Melancholy or sullen.
2. Having or marked by a tendency to be bitter or sardonic: a saturnine expression on his face.
3. Produced by absorption of lead.

1. Of or relating to the spleen.
2. Affected or marked by ill humor or irritability.

mercredi, mars 10, 2004

Singer : Josh Groban
Song Title : Si Volvieras A Mi
Album : Closer


Como sobrevivir?
como calmar mi sed?
como seguir sin ti?
como saltar sin red?

Con ese adios tan salvaje y cruel
me deshojaste la piel
la eternidad en final se quedo
y un desierto es ...mi corazon...

Ay si volvieras a mi
encenderia el sol mil primaveras
si regresaras por mi
seria un milagro cada beso que me dieras
pero hoy te vas
y no hay vuelta atras.

Que habra despues de ti?
mas que estas lagrimas
si hasta la lluvia en el jardin
toca una musica sin fin...
sombria y tragica...

Hoy de rodillas le pido a Dios
que por el bien de los dos
algo en tu pecho se quiebre al oir
a este loco que se muere de amor...

y desataste un huracan
fuego y furia de un volcan
que no se apagar...
como olvido que fui
esclavo de ti…ya no puedo mas...

Aaaaaaaaaay -- si volvieras a mi vida, si volvieras
si regresaras por mi
seria feliz otra vez
pero hoy te vas
y no hay vuelta atras.

lundi, mars 08, 2004

wonderful day, ain't it.
the constant rain
crescendoing to new heights even when it's held out long enough.
flooding us with a big bucket of water.
cooling down the stressed atmosphere.
it just rains,
rains and rains. no worries, just rain. constant. forever. pattery. so gentle cooling, so soothing, so idyllic. rain rain rain rain rain.

heavy rain without the crashing thunder and lightning. like we're in the midst of a beautiful waterfall. like we're in a island lost at sea, surrounded by waves of water.

enjoying it while it lasts

dimanche, mars 07, 2004

Discover magazine :: december 2003

Does a mirror reverse left and right? it is more accurate to say that a mirror reverses the relative positions of points along a line perpendicular to, not parallel to, the mirror. For example, if you stand on a mirror that is lying flat on the floor, the mirror reverses the relative positions of your feet and head, which are nearer and farther from the mirror. Why then do we say that a mirror reverses left and right? We say this because our bodies are bilaterally symmetrical. when you stand in front of a wall mirror and hold up your right hand, your reflection seems to hold up its left hand, so we say a mirror reverses left and right. but you could say it reverses front and back: Imagine walking straight forward into your reflection, matching head to head, feet to feet, hands to hands, and heart to heart. everything fits, but your front and back are reversed. so you could say, although it's less intuitive that a mirror reverses top and bottom, or front and back.


and then again, i do feel like messing up the site again. shall resist that, no time.


SM Lee and the pilots.

the whole transcript of SM Lee's dialogue with Alpa-S officials at Istana, with NTUC secretary general there, with Minister for Transport there. very long and comprehensive talk. very revealing. better than most lousy newspaper articles.


Stranger-friend we have travelled far
Nay I have not sighted end
Yet ten moons have risen on this lonely path
Nine suns past, do you wait for the last?

Our Journey though in silence has not been in vain
What do you see which I do not?
Yonder ahead the path seems strange, and worries me
Have the endless nights softened your guts?

Brother here, have you faith left in our journy?
Ere we stepped forth I swore us to the bitter end
Why then does thou take to the cynic these days
I but speak the truths and only the truths


does the sun at noon create more chlorine radicals in the swimming pool to destroy noon swimmers? u still know what chlorine radicals are?


hmm, i can still play the trombone. tho terribly. and very out-of-tune (i cant hear, im really deaf, but that means im definitely out), and unable to tell very well whether im even playing the correct note. but it wasn't too bad for first time playing in many months. and i still like high notes.

vendredi, mars 05, 2004

HCJC 2003 A lvl breakdown

the list of percentages and stuff that they typically present.
as expected, that batch is not as siao as ours. why, why, why. *grinz*

jeudi, mars 04, 2004

In thunder, lightning and in rain.

Roar of the raindrops on the roof.
   sounding more like a waterfall than a spray
All's left of the morning is but the thin
   band of whiteness yonder.
All above has been conquered by the
   descending darkness.
So Life cowered. trapped in a siege, in
   despair as the water level rose, and
Rain seeped in through the cracks in the door.

If it does not end soon we shall surely die

been quite a time since it rained so heavily

mardi, mars 02, 2004

what happened yesterday...nothing much of significance.

today. a murky stuffy day. depressive clouds. hours of inner silence, watching the world revolve, emotionless chaps roving back and forth on endless mechanical tasks, like trains running round a train track. hard work. laborious. meaningless. yet forever a struggle and a bore. everyone just doing it for the sake of doing, for the sake of getting over it. barely tolerating the stifling day suffocating our creativity and cheeriness.
a wet evening, pattering raindrops just there to get on our nerves, just there to mess up our journey home. making it all wet, restricted, troublesome, slow, impeded. an irritating day. meaningless and routine enough, and it still wants to irritate us. no one was happy.


Lord of the Rings Online!
Level 47 Elf Hunter Vindyamiriel

song of the moment:
de Jax
孙燕姿 - 雨天
周杰伦 - 珊瑚海

林俊杰&金莎 - 被风吹过的夏天
Kitaro - Symphony of Dreams
James Blunt - You Are Beautiful
Clannad - Seachran Charn Tsiail
Céline Dion - En attendant ses pas
ASIE - Et puis la terre
陈奕迅 - 十年
Yanni - Before I Go
Céline Dion/Garou - Sous le vent Dido - White Flag
梁静茹 - 如果有一天 [歌/词]
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

6 km


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