jeudi, août 31, 2006
  computer illiterate  

for some days i thought i was computer illiterate
i wrongly changed administrator password, i wrongly formatted my hard disk, i wrongly restored files, and everything was in almost as big a mess as it could be. unbelievably stupid series of errors.


i miss my tram, i miss my cobblestones


went for sis's performance. patchwork, a rojak cultural night theme to showcase different music, dance, drama groups together under the pretense of a musical. havent had the opportunity and time in so long to just sit down and observe. the cranky old place of kallang theatre, i still remember going there a long long time ago. for i dunno what performance, i cannot remember, i was running around backstage. i only remember the long corridors at the two sides of the theatre. ah well.
so many neighbourhood secondary school kids being so busy. busy milling around, busy primming their hair, busy being busy, busy showing off, busy being proud, busy being excited. it's just intriguing to observe them dressing up and doing their hair and being so fussy, like it's an Important Function. or perhaps it is. it is one to them. imagine a setting, so different from school. such a change from the normal classroom uniform setting. and suddenly it's like an Important Show, for them, for all of the audience. to elevate them to a higher level, for them to feel Important, an avenue to earn some respect and attention. i suppose it's a good experience for them. to feel different, to get out of the void decks and shopping centres into the halls of the high art.
kuo pao kun's play. not much of any script left though. but well, i haven't experienced Literature in some time. of motifs and undertones and messages and characters and settings and songs and themes and repetitions and the stage.

it rains.

mercredi, août 23, 2006

it's burning. the world is burning. why are they burning and burning and burning. are they trying to make the mortal world as fiery as hell, or perhaps even more fiery than hell. they're mad.

jeudi, août 17, 2006

going crazy with metabolism cycles.
somehow it's all those cycles again, in electron specific detail. soon i think i can tell what every electron does in which part of the cycle. i wonder why do they study these reactions to such incredible detail. and biological reactions arent that simple to examine, can't isolate them easily.
but it's fun. and extremely entertaining. it's been so many months without molecules.

and settling my timetable this semester has been a totally crazy time. well at least i have my french now. and i ended up with one extra bio mod. means im back to 6 modules. why do i keep having 6 mods in sem1. ah well. looks like fun to study.


mardi, août 15, 2006

and i just realised that the blogger admin pages have the same colour scheme as NUS. blue and orange. it's like i'm tabbing around and all i see are blue and orange webpages.


two students walked out of the NUS IT Co-op shop at YIH.
girl asked the guy:"is it hard disk or hard drive?"

this is such a classic geek un-geek kinda question. bemused.
so it's a hard disk drive. and the disc is inside. but they ususally exist together, and it's practically interchangeable. and they like to refer to the inside as platters anyway.

samedi, août 12, 2006

deviantart has undergone some massive makeover. i'm very impressed. very good coding. very good website features. i suppose this means that the website is earning good money. worth surfing.
however, there's too much anime-style stuff around for my liking. and they can do this cool embed thing now

Just a Dandilion by *DaFotoGuy on deviantART


then we had Ben&Jerry's. or maybe Sin hui had it all Posted by Picasa


fireworks tonight. nicer than the 8th aug. and i suppose tmr's one will be nicer, juz coz it's french. =p Posted by Picasa

jeudi, août 10, 2006

kitchen. fridge has an entire collection of fridge magnets that make up the map of France. the magnets come out of packets of cheese.

and there's breakfast. choc cereal, choc powder for the milk, bowls. hm bread's missing.

and the door there is the larder, which has lots and lots of food! Posted by Picasa


i watched quite a few World Cup 2006 games here. ze living room of my host family's hse. well the tv is somewhat blocked. but there's a PS2 there. only soccer games, sian Posted by Picasa

mercredi, août 09, 2006
  Singapore Airlines plane flying across the full moon  

National Day
15th day of 7th Lunar Month!


and the lot. filled up a 500ml bottle to the brim Posted by Picasa


pretty things, too bad they're going to die Posted by Picasa


ended up doing this at the beach, copy other people Posted by Picasa


she ate the rest Posted by Picasa


the underside, blue mouth visible Posted by Picasa


closer up. rather dangerous to find these things on the beach! Posted by Picasa


this was a better find! pokey urchin Posted by Picasa


a lil yucky, but not too bad. lots of dead stuff on Changi Beach. maybe should call it death beach. crabs, crab parts, fishes... shells Posted by Picasa


somebody seems to be looking for something Posted by Picasa


guess who. at Changi Beach on National Day Posted by Picasa


hah, one of the best things i've ever seen.
suntec city ballroom

Annual Dinner and Dance of The Kopitiam group of companies.

i wonder who they invited for the event, given that Kopitiam employees are....

=] Posted by Picasa


i like aquariums with corals and dense little plants, and streams of fresh oxygen bubbles coming out from the leaves, and tiny water life swimming around. got a little prawn in there.

science centre.

shall not blog photo of dinosaur, since it's forbidden to take photos. Posted by Picasa


look, big femur bone and me! Posted by Picasa


fireworks. singapore brand. all red and white. can't they use more colours. or, if they absolutely have to use those colours, can't they get some more interesting designs. ah well.

i cant rem what i want to say coz this is the third time i am rewriting this post coz Picasa keeps dying on me. pathetic. but i cant find anything easier to blog photos. if only i had my own host, but i dun wanna pay money.

fireworks. 1.8million dollars in 4 days of 15mins. $30,000 per minute. $500 per second. what a great way to spend money. well. it's a 'cheapo' and lazy way to entertain the crowds with mindless fantastic looking shallow entertainment that does not require cultural or historical meaning. so there.

does work well. i wonder. tempting, and yet not.

i shall try to finish blogging the europe photos by the end of August. at least i finished the two days of johor pictures. zz. Posted by Picasa

mardi, août 08, 2006

and they changed vehicle. .. doesnt help that our vehicle had some lousy wheels which will make the car shake violently when being driven between 40 and 50km/h. dunno why it's fine at other speeds. offroad feeling on normal roads. Posted by Picasa


and so we were towed out the remaining half hour or so. and it's quite freaky to be towed like this. the flexible connection can jerk. ouch. and must take care not to bang into the other car Posted by Picasa


look at the bottom right indicator. ... Posted by Picasa


traffic jam. got stopped by a ranger vehicle on the way out, told us bridge ahead is broken, so we took a different route out. a very long and sian route that went through unlimited kilometres of plantation land. zzzz. Posted by Picasa


the rabbit running in the clouds Posted by Picasa


you can see the cars far behind us, cant see the dust clouds properly tho Posted by Picasa


the convoy. photoshoot at the exit of the rugged area. but the excitement did not end... Posted by Picasa

Lord of the Rings Online!
Level 47 Elf Hunter Vindyamiriel

song of the moment:
de Jax
孙燕姿 - 雨天
周杰伦 - 珊瑚海

林俊杰&金莎 - 被风吹过的夏天
Kitaro - Symphony of Dreams
James Blunt - You Are Beautiful
Clannad - Seachran Charn Tsiail
Céline Dion - En attendant ses pas
ASIE - Et puis la terre
陈奕迅 - 十年
Yanni - Before I Go
Céline Dion/Garou - Sous le vent Dido - White Flag
梁静茹 - 如果有一天 [歌/词]
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

6 km


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