mardi, mai 25, 2004
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the author of incomprehensible One Hundered Years in Solitude, has produced this starkly straightforward and plain english short story. what a thin book with so few words compared to that heavyweight. though it still has a twisting turning story.. Well, of course it was the title that attracted me most. This weird story of how this guy got murdered. shall not be spoiler and tell the story. but the thing is that he got murdered even though the murder was announced to everyone, all the villagers knew about, everyone tried to stop it but didn't / couldn't. and the unfortunate turn of events, where everything he did was out of normal habit, everything was unintentional. and weirdly, oddly, unexpectedly expectedly, the murder did happen. I suppose the book just gives you this weird feeling. not really puzzlement, not really suspense, not really anything. it's a short and easy to read book, do read it. at least it has a really unique story. yep.
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