dimanche, août 01, 2004

went to visit Keith yesterday with half the class. poor guy is stuck at home for months. not even allowed to step out a single bit. and banned from eating like almost all food... bike accident, fluid accumulating in brain, Op-ed to drain fluids, having this horrendously large scar on his skull. woah woah. so poor thing. and he can't even remember the incident now. had to be told what happened. other than getting tired easily, he's mentally fine, which is great, looking at the scar. and he keeps complaining that he has no other bruises or wounds on any other part of the body, despite apparently having crashed off his bike while going downhill. which leads him to suspect foul play, ambush, set-up, aliens. yeah. hope he recovers quickly, school starts in exactly a year and he can't concentrate more than 10-20 mins right now. so horrible.

Lord of the Rings Online!
Level 47 Elf Hunter Vindyamiriel

song of the moment:
de Jax
孙燕姿 - 雨天
周杰伦 - 珊瑚海

林俊杰&金莎 - 被风吹过的夏天
Kitaro - Symphony of Dreams
James Blunt - You Are Beautiful
Clannad - Seachran Charn Tsiail
Céline Dion - En attendant ses pas
ASIE - Et puis la terre
陈奕迅 - 十年
Yanni - Before I Go
Céline Dion/Garou - Sous le vent Dido - White Flag
梁静茹 - 如果有一天 [歌/词]
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

6 km


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