dimanche, août 22, 2004

You entered: 12/17/1984 You were born on a Monday
under the astrological sign Sagittarius.
Your Life path number is 6.

The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2446051.5.
The golden number for 1984 is 9.
The epact number for 1984 is 27.
The year 1984 was a leap year.

As of 8/22/2004 12:09:10 AM CDT
You are 19 years old.
You are 236 months old.
You are 1,027 weeks old.
You are 7,188 days old.
You are 172,512 hours old.
You are 10,350,729 minutes old.
You are 621,043,750 seconds old.

There are 117 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 20 candles on it.

Those 20 candles produce 20 BTU's,
or 5,040 calories of heat (that's only 5.0400 food calories!) .
You can boil 2.29 US ounces of water with that many candles.

There are 125 days till Christmas 2004!

The moon's phase on the day you were
born was waning crescent.

for those who can't resist it anymore, here's the link: bday

Lord of the Rings Online!
Level 47 Elf Hunter Vindyamiriel

song of the moment:
de Jax
孙燕姿 - 雨天
周杰伦 - 珊瑚海

林俊杰&金莎 - 被风吹过的夏天
Kitaro - Symphony of Dreams
James Blunt - You Are Beautiful
Clannad - Seachran Charn Tsiail
Céline Dion - En attendant ses pas
ASIE - Et puis la terre
陈奕迅 - 十年
Yanni - Before I Go
Céline Dion/Garou - Sous le vent Dido - White Flag
梁静茹 - 如果有一天 [歌/词]
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

6 km


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