mercredi, septembre 22, 2004
windows accelerator
these are the ones i find most useful and effective, out of 50.
1. convert file system to NTFS instead of FAT32. multiple benefits including speed security space, if interested just search on the net.
2. disable file indexing
function: updates names of files so u can search faster
Control Panel > Add/Remove Windows Components
uncheck indexing services
3. re-set priorities
function: allocate resources so the programs u want to take priority can run faster
right-click taskbar > Task manager > Processes
right-click on program u want to speed up or slow down
4. stop hibernation
function hibernation mode takes up alot of disk space.
Control Panel > Power Options > Hibernate
5. Improve Memory Performance
function keep current data in memory rather than on hard disk for faster access
run "regedit", hkey local machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\memory management open paging executive, change to decimal of 1. not 0.1
open largesystemcache, do likewise
6. turn off windows automatic updating if u haven't done so
control panel > system
7. make Start Menu respond faster
function: get rid of that irritating delay that's actually not a system lag
run "regedit", hkey current user\control panel\desktop
open menushowdelay, modify value to zero
8. remove unwanted startup programs
run "msconfig" and edit the startup tab
9. remove invalid entries in Add/Remove programs
Hkey local machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall
10. delete old restore points that are extra and take up space, keep only latest one
Start\Programs\Accessories\System Tools\Disk Cleanup\More Options
11. unload fonts that u rarely use because all fonts are loaded at startup
Control Panel, open Fonts folder. shift the unused fonts files to another location, just put back if u want to use the font
12. Disable error reporting. who cares why windows crashes.
Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > sstem
choose Advanced, select Disable Error Reporting
13. make your mouse smoother (PS/2 mouse)
Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Mouse
choose Advanced, set sample rate to 200
windows accelerator
tips from Computer Times on how to quicken your computer without being a geek. like using regedit is not geek enough.
these are the ones i find most useful and effective, out of 50.
1. convert file system to NTFS instead of FAT32. multiple benefits including speed security space, if interested just search on the net.
2. disable file indexing
function: updates names of files so u can search faster
Control Panel > Add/Remove Windows Components
uncheck indexing services
3. re-set priorities
function: allocate resources so the programs u want to take priority can run faster
right-click taskbar > Task manager > Processes
right-click on program u want to speed up or slow down
4. stop hibernation
function hibernation mode takes up alot of disk space.
Control Panel > Power Options > Hibernate
5. Improve Memory Performance
function keep current data in memory rather than on hard disk for faster access
run "regedit", hkey local machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\memory management open paging executive, change to decimal of 1. not 0.1
open largesystemcache, do likewise
6. turn off windows automatic updating if u haven't done so
control panel > system
7. make Start Menu respond faster
function: get rid of that irritating delay that's actually not a system lag
run "regedit", hkey current user\control panel\desktop
open menushowdelay, modify value to zero
8. remove unwanted startup programs
run "msconfig" and edit the startup tab
9. remove invalid entries in Add/Remove programs
Hkey local machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall
10. delete old restore points that are extra and take up space, keep only latest one
Start\Programs\Accessories\System Tools\Disk Cleanup\More Options
11. unload fonts that u rarely use because all fonts are loaded at startup
Control Panel, open Fonts folder. shift the unused fonts files to another location, just put back if u want to use the font
12. Disable error reporting. who cares why windows crashes.
Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > sstem
choose Advanced, select Disable Error Reporting
13. make your mouse smoother (PS/2 mouse)
Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Mouse
choose Advanced, set sample rate to 200
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