mardi, novembre 15, 2005

from a Biochem textbk:

Percentage of Population with Lactase Persistence
Country and Lactase Persistence (%)
Sweden 99
Denmark 97
United Kingdom (Scotland) 95
Germany 88
Switzerland 84
Australia 82
United States (Iowa) 81
Bedouin tribes (North Africa) 75
Spain 72
France 58
Italy 49
India 36
Japan 10
China (Shanghai) 8
China (Singapore) 0

now isn't that fascinating. especially the China (Singapore) bit. in case a non-Singaporean chances upon this post: Singapore is NOT part of China.
also interesting that France has relatively low lactase persistence. maybe that's why they convert it to cheese.
anyway lactase persistence is the level of activity of the enzyme lactase in adult stage. the only enzyme in humans to cleave beta-glycosidic bonds and converts lactose to galactose and glucose. hm, apparently in placental mammals lactose is synthesized during late pregnancy and lactation. the galactose is used for purposes like synthesis of gangliosides in developing brain. so lactase is supposed to be made only during this period, late gestation to 3-5 years old.

[glycerol can also enter glycolysis. glycerol sounds like something they use for antifreeze]

Lord of the Rings Online!
Level 47 Elf Hunter Vindyamiriel

song of the moment:
de Jax
孙燕姿 - 雨天
周杰伦 - 珊瑚海

林俊杰&金莎 - 被风吹过的夏天
Kitaro - Symphony of Dreams
James Blunt - You Are Beautiful
Clannad - Seachran Charn Tsiail
Céline Dion - En attendant ses pas
ASIE - Et puis la terre
陈奕迅 - 十年
Yanni - Before I Go
Céline Dion/Garou - Sous le vent Dido - White Flag
梁静茹 - 如果有一天 [歌/词]
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

6 km


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