vendredi, décembre 15, 2006
  of Questions and Answers  

have i mentioned, that when i ask a question, or more precisely, a loaded question, there is more to it than the answer?

that for that question, usually there will be some standard answers, and by the time the qn is answered, i will have a possibly standard rebuttal to the standard answer. and perhaps that is what i really want answered. but i have to set up the setting to reach the second portion.
or perhaps i want to see what response i will get

or maybe when i answer some question, i will already have a rebuttal to my own answer, but i would like to wait if the other party can bring it up. perhaps while answering, i have already thought of a way which the answer fails.
why not just say it out? to show off? maybe not, maybe to see if the other person can find a different route/rebuttal/answer/response without me distracting/leading down a particular path. after all, self-criticism doesn't work very well.

just to know that most of the times in life, there aren't simple answers, or simple questions, but whether i can be bothered to discuss it at length. and if that person comprehends lively discussions that are not personal attacks.

sometimes i ask questions to which i already know the answer, to see if there are other possible answers. sometimes i do not give the (proper) answer, because the answer is fairly obvious or should have been found out, or because nothing bad will happen.

other times, it's good to just sleep, watch tv, eat icecream, match tops and bottoms, lose handphones, get married, buy soft toys and live peacefully.

Lord of the Rings Online!
Level 47 Elf Hunter Vindyamiriel

song of the moment:
de Jax
孙燕姿 - 雨天
周杰伦 - 珊瑚海

林俊杰&金莎 - 被风吹过的夏天
Kitaro - Symphony of Dreams
James Blunt - You Are Beautiful
Clannad - Seachran Charn Tsiail
Céline Dion - En attendant ses pas
ASIE - Et puis la terre
陈奕迅 - 十年
Yanni - Before I Go
Céline Dion/Garou - Sous le vent Dido - White Flag
梁静茹 - 如果有一天 [歌/词]
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

6 km


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