vendredi, décembre 29, 2006
  things i forgot  

older-than-middle-aged-folks using english words in hokkien speech

overhearing the workings of a company through the loud phone calls of the guy beside me on the train

an ugly hag dressed up and perfumed, who rushes into the train, grabs a seat, start doing seat exercises, wears gaudy clothes, carries a tacky bag with a strawberry on it, and has a remarkably disapprovable face

a man, in shirt and pants, carrying the backpack jx used to carry, looking around

a Western girl, ipod clipped to the outside of her jeans, a wonder it doesn't drop off or get stolen

a little trinket, lost and found

a "wrong" question, correctly answered

a nother CD-R, failed

a PC finally built

an iMac came and gone

confidence lost

a rain that washed the year away

a nother birthday, christmas, gone

a plane, that will fly off soon

Lord of the Rings Online!
Level 47 Elf Hunter Vindyamiriel

song of the moment:
de Jax
孙燕姿 - 雨天
周杰伦 - 珊瑚海

林俊杰&金莎 - 被风吹过的夏天
Kitaro - Symphony of Dreams
James Blunt - You Are Beautiful
Clannad - Seachran Charn Tsiail
Céline Dion - En attendant ses pas
ASIE - Et puis la terre
陈奕迅 - 十年
Yanni - Before I Go
Céline Dion/Garou - Sous le vent Dido - White Flag
梁静茹 - 如果有一天 [歌/词]
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

6 km


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